120 Lbs #3 | Sao Paulo Desde Sao Paulo (Brasil), llega la tercera parte del video 120lbs, en el que vemos street bombing a base de extintores. Por admin|2018-02-17T12:31:38+01:00marzo 3rd, 2016|Clips, Entradas, Graffiti, Media|Sin comentarios Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInTumblrPinterestVkCorreo electrónico Artículos relacionados PSK Crew 20th Birthday Celebrations – 48h Of Painting Galería PSK Crew 20th Birthday Celebrations – 48h Of Painting GHETTO FEVER MAGAZINE #5 Galería GHETTO FEVER MAGAZINE #5 Breaking The Rules | POSK Galería Breaking The Rules | POSK Scene of Crime | Book Galería Scene of Crime | Book Talking with GUEZ Galería Talking with GUEZ