Blog Principal2020-04-26T00:30:28+02:00

Madrid 24/7 – Edición 2021

The Madrid 24/7 team has published a new book, a limited edition made up of hundreds of unpublished images of the Madrid metro.
Original and own images that show Madrid’s underground graffiti scene. You can get a copy HERE..

This unique book in the world contains scenes from ten years of butrones, browns, descents into the void, races, brawls with security, impossible entries, stampede assaults, and above all lots of laughs.

Este libro único en el mundo contiene escenas de diez años de butrones, marrones, descensos al vacío, carreras, reyertas con la seguridad, entradas imposibles, asaltos en estampida, y sobre todo muchas risas.



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Una publicación compartida de @247lowlife

  • Tapas duras
  • Edición limitada a 130 copias
  • Medidas:
  • Nº de páginas: 180 de pura magia
  • Edición: 2021

April 16th, 2021|Categories: Sin categoría @en|0 Comments


Wuhan, the city marked worldwide for its role in the discovery of the COVID19 virus, to promote the beauty of the city and celebrate the arrival of spring, a writer from Wuhan, GAN, has worked with the local government organizing the painting of a complete tram on line T1.
13 artists were invited to participate in the project, launched with the aim of bringing color to the population of 19 million in the capital of Hubai province.

We’ll see if you try to make it illegal…

April 9th, 2021|Categories: clips @en, News, Graffiti @en, Media @en|0 Comments

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