Desde la web de BopGunn, nos llega el tercer episodio de Midnight Marauders, esta vez nos llevan al 2007 para mostrarnos una acción es los modelos ya desaparecidos de los cercanías de Copenhague. También nos muestran un breve texto del escritor sotem.
“When I started painting trains, DSB were already replacing their 2. and 3. generation S- trains with the model in traffic today, which is best know for it’s annoying shape and size. As the years went by, the eternal quest to paint the old model was intensified. 2007 was the year when the last old trains ended up as scrap and in the months leading up to that Elsam, Ruck and I weren’t doing anything but checking out, painting and taking pictures. This action took place two days before the final day in traffic and was sort of our last contribution to the 25 year long history of graffiti on these beauties…”