OinkArtLtd and The New Fresh Paint present: Bay Area Graffiti X Fresh Paint #2.
The second installment of this series features work from 2014 and 2015 of locals and visitors crushing in the Bay Area, primarily San Francisco and Oakland. See your favorite writers’ favorite Bay Area writer doing their thing on the streets, transit and more using the New Fresh Paint.
A laundry list of America’s best known writers are featured, including but not limited to, in order of appearance in the 35+ minute film:
KRK (MSG, WKT), Noner (WKT, BTR), Sest (Fly ID, YNN), Oies (Fly ID), Lobo One, Clark (Fly ID), Staks (KCO, RLK), Eric (HCM, JDI), Nope (WD), Trees (KHY, FN, VF), Vic20 (BTM, D30), Tuse (AMC, WKT), Seper (AMC), Kash (WKT), Sori (LOLC), Ideal (LOLC), Pemex (LOLC), Asume, Bumer (THR) and more.