We found the following news published in VICE. JEOSM published a new book called ‘Guerreros Urbanos‘ edited by La Fabrica / Alfaguara, which will be released on May 19. It is a diary in images of four years of nigths out by several European cities with several graffiti writers. The texts are written by Arturo Perez Reverte, with he maintained a close relationship while writing his book ‘El francotirador paciente‘.
“I’ve been writing graffiti for 20 years, I am a graffiti writer but now I‘m in the other side. I’ve taken four years to get this project because I wanted something that was real and honest. Something true. I have taken a long time to find the key, is a book that is designed as processes, not so much pieces… it’s all about how you walk in, how you go, how you get out. I know this world well and wanted to tell a real way. I was not worth anything , not wanted to pull cliché. Is not a pieces catalog”.
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