4608 presents MISSION, a series of train action videos aiming to portray different elements of painting on steel. This is the Prologue to the chapters to come.

The films are produced and directed by and in collaboration with Fabian Sigurd who is one of the masterminds behind the beautiful graffiti film Lila.

On August 24th the release party for the project will take place at Buller (Götgatan 54, T-Medborgarplatsen). We’ve managed to book some of the most rowdy live acts out there and will screen all of the videos that are to be released over the season this night.

ODZ who is music and aura is an embodiment of the graffiti culture, never showing their faces in videos nor performances. For this reason we’ve collaborated with ODZ on a balaclava to be sold in limited number during the night as they are playing.
We are flying in GRK North East, Gothenburgs grime gods to town to play a set of ruff UK Grime.
Sacredtip is spinning UK Techno as the hours is approaches morning.
And to top this off we have a secret guest who´s name just in it self is a reason to come.

The first chapter is to be released online the next few days after the release as the hungover lets go.

Facebook event.