Maky is a graffiti writer from Catalonia who began painting more than 20 years ago. During this time he has been known in the world of graffiti for two facets. The first is related to hearing impairment, which accompanies him from his youth, while the second is linked to wich characterized him during his career: the trains.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, he has a close relationship with the Canary Islands and the island writers. For many, it was the first time that they are related to a deaf person. With time we could see that thanks to Maky’s graffiti and way of being, the relationship and the communication without any obstacle.

The video is treated, through the visual language, at the same time, during the course of Maky, nature, graffiti, Catalonia and the Canary Islands. The colors, the lights and the shapes will guide us through this trip. An audio signal is also present, through the use of wave vibrations, in order to get closer to what a person like him can feel.