Gérard Fournier presents us the Bello Gesto 2 movie. To make the movie, he has put himself in the place of spectator place, therefore, he only used the best images and shortened them as much as possible. There will be 19 videos lasting 1 to 3 minutes, so the final result is a kind of a trailer but more achieved, with some surprising music. They will be published every Sunday starting from today.

Initially he had planned to organize an event with a projection, as he did 7 years ago for the first edition of Bello Gesto, unfortunately, it won’t be for a while. He thought that it would be the right time to publish these images that will make you want to go out to paint, considering that we all have to stay home and we can’t travel anymore at the moment…

All the footage were taken straight after the Bello Gesto 1, from 2013 until yesterday night. He won’t make a volume 2 printed book for the moment, the main reason is that it requires a lot of work and time.

I want my project to reflect what graffiti is: Free, without any commercial interest and to reaching as many people as possible.

To group this entire project in one place, we have created a section within our website, with its own menu, in which all the information and videos will be added. You can see it at systemboys.net/bellogesto, in addition to the link in the menu of our website.