Revisiting Tsunami Royals adapts the Tsunami Royals video, published in late 2010, into book format. You can find it available in SERIONOSERI from October 15, 2022.

This visual experience on paper is designed to convey the essence of what the making of this video meant to the editor and camera operator who helped the ROYALS group pull off the project. For about a year, the audiovisual technician accompanied the members of the Crew wherever they went. Although most of the filmings were made in Valencia, cities such as Bucharest or Milan were also visited.

Through the frames – which evoke the long hours of editing that the making of the video entailed – and the photographs from the archive of the group, from Enrique Escandell and from M.P., whoever has it in their hands will gain access to part of the most important spanish graffiti history from the end of the first decade of the 21st century.

If you haven’t seen it yet: