15 04, 2024

ERRAR | Un libro de Yksuhc Juan

By |2024-04-15T22:03:51+02:00April 15th, 2024|Book/Magazines, clips @en, Graffiti @en, Media @en, News, Photography|0 Comments

@yksuhc_juanpresents his new book, in which we will see more than 150 full-color images showing a selection of unpublished and unique pieces, accompanied by drawings, psycho-geographic maps, explorations and atmospheres of unusual places. The photographic captures mainly focus on actions on mobile supports that travel through the railway environments: passenger cars, freight cars and [...]

1 12, 2023

Mission Press | Graffiti Books and Photography

By |2023-12-01T17:47:57+01:00December 1st, 2023|Book/Magazines, Graffiti @en, Interviews, Media @en, News|0 Comments

As is normal, each writer takes pictures to immortalize their pieces, pictures that once gave life to many magazines. With the advance of technology and consumer electronics, video cameras gave way to some videos of writers or crews in VHS format, and later to countless DVDs. Until today, the Internet along with free video [...]

6 10, 2023


By |2023-10-06T16:20:45+02:00October 6th, 2023|Book/Magazines, Graffiti @en, Media @en, News, Sin categoría @en|0 Comments

TALES FROM BELGIUM it's back on stock, You cangGet your copy Aliaspress / @aliaspress if you didn’t yet! In Tales from Belgium, Alias Press did an unprecedentedly deep 6-year research into the roots of graffiti writing on passenger trains in the publishing house’s home country of Belgium. Thanks to its geographical location, Belgium became one [...]

20 09, 2023

CONCRETE 19.5 | Magazine

By |2023-09-20T17:12:22+02:00September 20th, 2023|Book/Magazines, Graffiti @en, Media @en, News, Sin categoría @en|0 Comments

CONCRETE magazine presents a new issue, this time dedicated 100% to walls, with writers such as Elroy (PL), Elnino (CZ), Fluor (GR), Sedr (PL) and Piero and Oiler from the DBC team (SK). Also featured is a section of Ukraine, where the war is still going on, local trains are virtually [...]

18 09, 2023

Van Of Fame | Book

By |2023-09-18T22:47:05+02:00September 18th, 2023|News, Photography, Graffiti @en, Book/Magazines, Media @en|0 Comments

El libro "Van Of Fame" documenta durante 6 años, de 2015 a 2021, graffiti en camiones y furgonetas en la ciudad de Atenas. En sus páginas conocerás tanto la escena local del graffiti en Atenas como a los escritores extranjeros, así como la arquitectura y el ambiente de Atenas. Consigue tu copia AQUÍ. [...]

21 04, 2023


By |2023-04-21T00:40:57+02:00April 21st, 2023|clips @en, News, Graffiti @en, Book/Magazines, Media @en|0 Comments

The writers WAKE, FLUOR, PERU and BORIS present a project, KNOCK ABOUT - ONE STORY / FOUR POINTS OF VIEW. An intense journey in the less-explored Northern region of Greece, as seen through the lenses of four friends. Their different perspectives and approaches to documenting the adventures unfold their four unique points of view, [...]

14 10, 2022

A Postcard from Belgium | Psykopaths

By |2022-10-14T12:28:28+02:00October 14th, 2022|clips @en, News, Graffiti @en, Book/Magazines, Media @en, Sin categoría @en|0 Comments

Cantastic presents the following 5-minute video, in which we accompany the writer SOLID from the PSK crew and friends in different actions on Belgian trains, showing us a wide repertoire of high-quality pieces. They also present the Psykopaths - L' equipe fanzine, with photos of the crews pieces and [...]

14 04, 2022

5MINUTES WITH: DRM CREW & EDWARD NIGHTINGALE | “Depicting Recent Memories” Book

By |2022-04-14T13:07:14+02:00April 14th, 2022|clips @en, News, Photography, Graffiti @en, Book/Magazines, Media @en, Series|0 Comments

The Photographer Edward Nightingale (@edward.nightingale ) presents us the new book “Depicting Recent Memories”, which was created together with Acid79, Micro, Shus, Area and Mad from the DRM crew during the period 2016 to 2020. What we have is not a classic book based on information about one of the most interesting graffiti crews [...]

28 02, 2022

Meal&Steel The Book | Video Preview

By |2022-02-28T22:05:30+01:00February 28th, 2022|clips @en, News, Graffiti @en, Book/Magazines, Media @en|0 Comments

MEAL&STEEL – Recipes from the yard SMIRK & YUSUF embarked on a long journey across Europe with the goal in mind to introduce you to the culinary highlights of various regions in the most artistic way possible. Through their travels they have gotten to know and appreciate the native cuisines of over 10 countries. [...]

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