Breaking The Rules | NOWET
Breaking the Rules presents a series of podcasts dedicated to learning about the origins and history of graffiti in Spain through some of its protagonists. This time the protagonist is the writer NOWET who tells us about his story, adventures and visions about graffiti. Also available on Spotify.
Breaking The Rules | POSK
Breaking the Rules presents a series of podcasts dedicated to learning about the origins and history of graffiti in Spain through some of its protagonists. This time the protagonist is the writer POSK who tells us about his story, adventures and visions about graffiti. Also available on Spotify.
Breaking The Rules | OVAS
Breaking the Rules presents a series of podcasts dedicated to learning about the origins and history of graffiti in Spain through some of its protagonists. This time the protagonist is the writer PEPS who tells us about his story, adventures and visions about graffiti. Also available on Spotify.
Breaking The Rules | OKUDA
Breaking the Rules presents a series of podcasts dedicated to learning about the origins and history of graffiti in Spain through some of its protagonists. This time the protagonist is the writer PEPS who tells us about his story, adventures and visions about graffiti. Also available on Spotify.
Breaking The Rules | BELIN | WOKE y CEKOR
Breaking the Rules presents a series of podcasts dedicated to learning about the origins and history of graffiti in Spain through some of its protagonists. We leave you the last two podcasts dedicated one to BELIN and the other to WOKE AND CEKOR who talk to us about their stories, adventures and visions about graffiti. [...]
Graffiti, autoestima, ego y relaciones personales (BUNY KR2)
In the 'Sobran Las Palabras Podcast' they have invited the writer BUNY, an hour and a half of conversation in which they talk about Graffiti, self-esteem, ego and personal relationships.
Breaking The Rules | JORDI RUBIO
Breaking the Rules presents a series of podcasts dedicated to learning about the origins and history of graffiti in Spain through some of its protagonists. This time the protagonist is JORDI RUBIO, a key person in the evolution of graffiti worldwide. Jordi Rubio is the entrepreneur who saw possibilities in graffiti that no one had [...]
Breaking The Rules | FOSE OTP
Breaking the Rules presents a series of podcasts dedicated to learning about the origins and history of graffiti in Spain through some of its protagonists. This time the protagonist is FOSE, he tells us about his history, adventures and visions about graffiti. FOSE started in '92 when he was 16 years old. Also available on Spotify..
BUEN@S WRITERS presents the following video interview with the writer PESTE from the AFULES crew, who tells us about his activity on the Santiago de Chile subway.