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6 11, 2015


By |2017-07-06T20:08:24+02:00November 6th, 2015|clips @en, Graffiti @en, Media @en, News|0 Comments

Alexis Deforges has published a couple of weeks ago the video 'Train and Bones' starring the writer NYCHOS. The video also shows an introspective portrait of the writer, who was Invited by Openspace gallery in Paris to present his favorite drawings firstly made on huge murals over the last year, NYCHOS, took a break to [...]

25 11, 2013

“Si es legal, no es grafiti”

By |2017-07-06T20:28:01+02:00November 25th, 2013|Book/Magazines, Graffiti @en, Media @en, News|0 Comments

En la revista XLSemanal, ayer apareció un artículo sobre el nuevo libro de Arturo Pérez Reverte ‘El Francotirador Paciente’ del que ya anunciamos hace unas semanas. En este artículo cuenta de primera mano ‘cómo es una de esas noches en las que actúan estos jóvenes clandestinos’. Está claro que esta novela va a dar mucho [...]

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