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20 01, 2014

Mins MOAS – Instagram

By |2017-07-06T20:27:01+02:00January 20th, 2014|Graffiti @en, Media @en, News, Photography|0 Comments

Mins, one of the creators of the Moas crew, has published lots of panels on Instragram. In this account, we can see from the first piece of KINGSMOA on mythical red commuter trains in Copenhagen, made in 1991, to pieces by different writers of the same crew and allied crews as VIM, ALL ...

11 01, 2014

Jieskie – Instagram

By |2017-07-06T20:27:09+02:00January 11th, 2014|Graffiti @en, Media @en, News, Photography|0 Comments

Recently we start to follow 'jieskie' instagram, but just take a quick glance to see the professional quality of the photos, especially the graffiti scene and trainwriting in Australia. We show you some pictures below. You can also take a look at her Facebook.

4 01, 2014

‘Gedanken Züge’ – Trains of Thoughts

By |2016-04-07T19:40:14+02:00January 4th, 2014|Documentaries, Full Movies, Graffiti @en, Media @en, News|0 Comments

Hace poco se publicó este curioso ensayo-documental audiovisual de la mano de Timo Novotny, en el cual trabaja sobre 6 sistemas de metro. Un viaje conceptual a través del mundo de la clandestinidad, impresionantes imágenes de ciudades y su sistema de metro. El viaje comienza en Viena, continuando por Nueva York, Los Ángeles, Tokio, Hong [...]

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