An art project in the slums of Bangladesh and the question: How corrupted is our view of a corrupt country?

The film “Painting Dhaka” takes the viewer on a journey to one of the poorest areas in the world: the slums of Bangladesh’s capital Dhaka. In a mixture of documentary, animation and art film, the narrator and main protagonist Lukas Zeilinger delves further and further into the swamp of poverty, corruption and oppression and gradually exposes the country’s broken political system.

What begins as a film accompanying a graffiti workshop in the poor quarters of the Bangladeshi capital develops over the course of the plot into a veritable docu-crime thriller about the real swamp of the country: the corrupt Bangladeshi elite, which enriches itself from the poverty of its inhabitants.

At the center of the action: the state railway company Bangladesh Railway.
“Painting Dhaka” is a film about power and powerlessness – and how to overcome both. And a personal film about the power of art.