Alberto es un habitante de la ciudad de Milan, lleva desde los 12 años moviéndose en bici por la ciudad y fotografiando el graffiti de la ciudad, 25 años después a decidido presentar este proyecto.

Oldwalls ha nacido para hacer un homenaje a los que han dado color a Milán y para permitir que cualquier persona pueda reconocer detrás de los grises muros o espacios en blanco, las formas que hicieron esos lugares únicos.

 “I want to present OldWalls: a website I have just launched to pay a tribute to all the people who gifted colors to Milan. When I was 12 years old I started to ride my bike around Milan looking for the walls on which new amazing graffiti had started to appear. I was used to take photos and then spent my free time drawing sketches trying to reproduce something with the same style and colors. Year after year Milan has lost most of the places I have loved so much, so I decided to create OldWalls: I am going back on the same places to take pictures from the same point of view and I am publishing them on the web site to give everyone the chance to discover colors and shapes hidden for years or to remember forgotten ones.”

(Via, Via)