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25 12, 2018

La vida de un artista | METS

By |2018-12-25T23:41:04+01:00December 25th, 2018|clips @en, Graffiti @en, Media @en, News, Series|0 Comments

Writers Madrid presents a new video of 'The life of an artist', this time with the writer METS as the protagonist. Mets is a writer who stands out for his energy, always insatiable. A veteran of graffiti but in turn has managed to adapt to the events and to each stage and generation within the [...]

2 02, 2015

La vida de un artista | Hurtos

By |2017-07-06T20:16:36+02:00February 2nd, 2015|clips @en, Graffiti @en, Media @en, News, Series|0 Comments

Writers Madrid in collaboration with Molotow, present this third chapter of "The life of an Artist" HURTOS. Active writer since more than a decade, always known for their activity on subways and trains around half world. His first trip to Bilbao and Madrid in early 2000, have left dozens of pieces on their systems until [...]

24 12, 2013

La vida de un artista – SCANER

By |2017-07-06T20:27:24+02:00December 24th, 2013|clips @en, Graffiti @en, Media @en, News, Series|0 Comments

Writers Madrid en colaboracion con Molotow, presentan un nuevo capitulo de "LA VIDA DE UN ARTISTA". Esta vez de cerca con SKANER, uno de los escritores mas completos del grafiti de "bombardeo" en Madrid. Cuando un nombre se deja ver en cada rincon de la ciudad, no es casual ni es coincidencia. Es la prueba [...]

9 09, 2013

La vida de un artista “POCHO ONE”

By |2017-07-06T20:29:07+02:00September 9th, 2013|clips @en, Graffiti @en, Media @en, News|0 Comments

Muy interesante el video que ha publicado la tienda 'Writers Madrid', con el nombre 'La vida de un artista' nos presentan al ya conocido escritor Pocho One. En el video que cuenta con 8 minutos de duración podemos escuchar diversas anécdotas de la voz del mismo escritor con imágenes de diferentes acciones en las que [...]

11 10, 2018


By |2018-10-11T17:27:48+02:00October 11th, 2018|Book/Magazines, Graffiti @en, Media @en, News, Photography|0 Comments

The book 'Subterráneos' by Enrique Escandell is already out, this project explores the phenomenon of graffiti on the subway, documented with captures from security cameras, fines or evidence provided in judgments against writers. You can get a copy here. Don't miss the interesting interview that VICE have done.(Spanish) VICE: Qué hay, Enrique. ¿Cómo nace este [...]

28 07, 2017

The Deepest Depths of the Burrow | NYCHOS

By |2017-07-28T19:57:28+02:00July 28th, 2017|Documentaries, Graffiti @en, Media @en, News, Street Art @en|0 Comments

Nychos is an illustrator, Urban Art- and Graffiti artist who became known with his street concept RABBIT EYE MOVEMENT (REM) 10 years ago. The icon of the movement is a white rabbit, which has been breeding since then and has been popping up in the streets all over the globe for the past decade. This [...]

19 06, 2017

Festival Coslada Style Urban

By |2017-07-06T19:43:28+02:00June 19th, 2017|Events, Graffiti @en, News, Street Art @en|0 Comments

The Coslada Style Urban festival is here! This Saturday 24th of June from 12 a.m. in the morning, the first edition of this 100% graffiti festival takes place in Coslada in the "Campo de la vía" (very close to the Renfe tracks). We can enjoy the presence of authentic writers like Buni, Deno, Wosan, Hiber, [...]

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