Barcelona based artist, ARYZ, recently painted a wall called “El fin justificado” on a facade in Bilbao.
These are his words about the work:

“I’ve recently painted a wall in Bilbao, following a bit the style of what I’ve been doing lately … I spent some of the remaining energy that I still had.
Quite a few neighbors didn’t like it that much and as a consequence I had some issues during the process. As I’ve said more than once I don’t paint nice imagery to have public acceptance… of course I don’t paint either to have a bad time, but sometimes you have to deal with certain things when you are on the street.”


Aryz “El fin justificado” Mural. Bilbao 2014. SC gallery + Art Management from SC gallery on Vimeo.

Would also like to announce that since last Saturday 13 December until March 2, 2015, you can enjoy an exhibition called ‘No+De 30’ with works of Aryz, Axel Void and Sebas Velasco in the ‘SC Gallery‘, Bilbao.
